Senior Services / Older Adults
Senior Adults gather at our center daily to socialize, learn and connect with others. Interacting with friends at the center ensures that people take better care of their health and well-being. We keep a watchful eye to make sure our seniors are looking well and enjoying activities: field trips, bingo, nutrition education, exercise and celebrations are just some of the things we host.
We provide resources from all over San Antonio so support a healthy and active lifestyle.
We provide lunch daily – a nutritionally balanced meal.
Transportation is also available for seniors who live close to the center.
We partner with the San Antonio Food Bank to provide supplementary groceries for low-income seniors.
Project H.O.P.E. (Healthy Options Program for the Elderly)
Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)
There is no charge for these services. A donation is suggested for meals. All donations benefit the Senior Nutrition & Activity Program
Senior Activities
- Bingo: Tuesday & Thursdays, sometimes Wednesday too!
- Exercise: Daily – access to exercise bikes and treadmills, yoga, sit & be fit, walk the center.
- Billiards: The Golden Cue Club welcomes you!
- Celebrations: Birthdays, Fiesta, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, any milestone you like.
- Arts & Crafts: Many other creative ventures.
- Field Trips: Movies, Flea Market, Market Square, The Park.
- Dances: Complete with a live DJ or Band.
- Educational Sessions
- Advocacy for concerns affecting older adults.