career closet

    Our Career Closet provides free work-appropriate clothing to individuals seeking employment or starting a new job. We focus on industries common in our community – such as manufacturing & warehouse work, healthcare & care giving, food service & hospitality, construction work, mechanics, custodians – ensuring clients have the right attire to feel confident and prepared.

   Appointments are required to give each client personalized assistance, allowing time to browse, try on items, and find the right fit.

   Donations of industry-specific workwear are always welcome, ensuring we can continue supporting job seekers in our community.

How It Works

Appointments are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays during:

Morning: 9:00am – 11:00am | Afternoon: 1:00pm – 3:00pm

1. Schedule an Appointment


  • Call us to request an appointment for the Career Closet: (210) 532 – 5295
  • We’ll collect your contact information to and ask a few questions to better understand your needs

Walk-ins are not guaranteed service but can schedule a future appointment.

2. Visit the career closet


  • Arrive at your scheduled time to meet with a staff member. 
  • Complete a brief intake process (if not already done over the phone).
  • Browse available work clothing options based on your job needs. 
  • Try on items in our private fitting space.
  • Select up to two sets of work-appropriate clothing. 
  • Once final selections are made, we’ll bag your items for easy carrying.

Private Waiting Area & fitting room

3. Follow-up


  • We may check in with you in a couple of weeks to see how your job is going.
  • You’ll have the option to share helpful feedback for our Career Closet. 

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